A couple takes cell-phone photographs before the “Shotgun Stories” screening on Thursday, June 7, at the Jane Pickens.
I love that great technology is so much more accessible now. Don't get jealous, get creative! Maybe your film is next on the roster of great festival films! Or maybe you're the next Dustin Diamond. Blech. Who knew playing Screech could actually be the pinnacle of one's career? Oh, I am a bitch. Just as bitchy as Dustin Diamond. Anyway...

A catch-all table at my bed & breakfast after a few nights in town. Nothing quite like a cigar.
Well, thanks again, Newport, for a wonderful time. I am always so inspired when I come to town for the film festival. I hope everyone had as great a time as I did!
There were myriad highlights this year and I tried to take in so many that I feel a need to sleep for a year to be able to process everything! One full night’s sleep will also probably do quite nicely.
And, hippy dippy as it sounds, and granted, I am sitting here with a much-needed glass of Chardonnay: All who have come to the film festival may be scattering to the four or fewer winds but I’m pretty sure, if we let them, the brave and ballsy filmmakers will effect some great changes in us. I’m just sayin’.
G-E-T-C-R-E-A-T-I-V-E! Get creative! Geh-et creative!
Cheers! It was great seeing you again, you sneaky scoundrel, you. (I gotta go watch the "Sopranos" finale! JERSEY!)
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